Ability Lifts Platform Lift Specialists

Call us: (0033) 247 91 58 55
Ask for Julian or Jude Baskcomb

New Lake Record of 43.4lbs

New Lake Record of 43.4lbs

Jason Aldred from London had an extraordinary sequence run during August 2014 as his first four carp – all mirrors were 39.2lbs, 36.3lbs, 43.4lbs (new lake record) and 30.1lbs – all verified on electronic scales. Jason then followed up with a 26, 25 and 24lbs. Strange thing was, the 43.4 had evaded the lake netting in April. Cunning these carp!

Contact Details

Moulin de Boutineau
Perrusson 37600

Call us: (0033) 247 91 58 55

Email: jujubask@orange.fr

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